Did I mention "back to routine" in my last blog entry? Hmmmm. Life has taken a bit of a u turn in the meantime, the kind of u turn that happens when one has elderly parents. Last Friday, my Mum (Edna) had a stroke, so much of the week has been spent in Hull at her bedside, relieved by every small step of progress and doing our best to be patient, for this is likely to be a long haul. However, the prognosis is good, the improvement so far has been remarkable and we are optimistic that she will make a good recovery. In the meantime, however, she is in Hull and we are, for the most time, in Gloucestershire, some 200 miles away. We'll post updates on her progress on our family blog, Here and Now, link in the sidebar.
Thank you to everyone who has emailed good wishes and sent love and kind thoughts. All are greatly appreciated.
I am so sorry to hear about your mother - as it turns out, I know her, as we are members of the same WI (we have only just heard ourselves). If there is anything we can do, or if you would like to drop in while you are up in Hull, just contact me. (email address on my blog)
A record of my journey towards
"An elegant sufficiency, content,
retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books,
ease and alternate labour, useful life"
Not there yet. Some way to go!
I knit, I sew, I embroider, I paint and draw and occasionally keep a journal. I do funny things with paper, paint and glue, I make books and other stuff. Not much of this is of any use (with the possible exception of the socks I knit) but I find fun in everything I do. I love colour, texture, pattern and want to do it all perfectly - preferably in the next five minutes.
When I'm not making stuff myself, I'm teaching someone else how to do it (or teaching someone else to teach someone else to do it)
I am so sorry to hear about your mother - as it turns out, I know her, as we are members of the same WI (we have only just heard ourselves). If there is anything we can do, or if you would like to drop in while you are up in Hull, just contact me. (email address on my blog)
susoolu, at 10:57 pm
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