An elegant sufficiency

Saturday, February 16, 2008

In the early morning garden

It's been a really chilly start to the day, a hard frost and our heating went on the blink yesterday. We were slow to get up as a result and as I dressed, I looked out of the window to see one of our fox friends taking a drink from the edge of the pond.

He teetered over the frozen surface until there was a sudden crack and in he fell! Poor thing had such a shock - that icy water must have made him jump! He scrabbled to the edge, leapt out and gave a hefty shake before running off.

What a wake up!

Our heating is now sorted - we'd been in Birmingham last night for a concert and when we got home, we thought it unusually chilly. For some reason the boiler had not fired up but fortunately my clever husband knew which knob to twiddle.



  • I love a man who knows how to twiddle!
    Poor Fox!! Its the starlings who are fascinating us at the moment - great swirling clouds of them who dance in very tight formation!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:00 pm  

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